by Penney Murphy | Oct 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
Everybody is so busy! I know it. And sometimes we wear our ‘Busy’ as a badge of honor. We’re proud of it. We talk about it. We put more energy and importance into being busy than we do on rest, relaxation and recharging our batteries. ...
by Penney Murphy | Oct 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
Who doesn’t want to improve self confidence and self compassion? Both can go along way to increase our quality of life. One way to do it is to get in touch with our Inner Child. Our Psychologist Olivia Dangas tells us how. Connect to Your Inner Child...
by Penney Murphy | Oct 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
When we’re feeling strong emotions it’s often difficult to deal with. Our Counsellor Wendy Monks-Janzen offers some great insight into surviving an Emotional Storm. Surviving the Storm The winds are strong, you can barely walk forward hold onto your...
by Penney Murphy | Oct 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
Self compassion is a phrase we’re hearing a lot about lately. And it is something that I think we can all (myself included) use more of. Our Registered Psychologist (Provisional) Lana McAleer tell us about Compassion Focused Therapy. It can help us to...
by Penney Murphy | Oct 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
I heard this beautiful quote about grief the other day. ‘Grief is love with no place to go.’ I was really touched when I heard that and found it to be so true. We all experience grief at some point in our lives…it comes in many forms and it looks...