Youth Counselling Teen Counselling Counselling Saskatoon Counseling Saskatoon Penney Murphy & Associates Counselling and Wellness

Written by Wendy Monks-Janzen, Registered Psychologist (Prov)


What Teens Hear

Teenagers are navigating the dilemma of having child-like needs and increased expectations.
A significant portion of influence is contributed by the peers around them.
However, don’t under-evaluate the impact of a parent or close loved one on the shaping of their values and beliefs.
What a teen hears—the day-in and day-out communication—affects their self-esteem, decision-making, and how they view themselves.
Have you ever taken a moment to listen to the input of what is being said to a teen?
“Do you always have to be on your phone?”
“Why can’t you remember to do your chores?”
“You’re going to be late, hurry up”
“Why do you watch those shows, you’re learning nothing good from them”
“I told you to bring those items when you went upstairs”…..
Sometimes, what is being said or how it is expressed, impacts a teen’s mood, confidence, and beliefs about who they are.
Taking time to reframe and replenish the input that teens need to hear, encourages them to make healthy choices, helps them to feel better about themselves, and opens the door to connecting more often.

Wendy works with adults, couples, children and youth. 
Her office hours are Monday – Friday from 9 am – 4 pm.  

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