by Penney Murphy | Dec 16, 2022 | Wellbeing
?? ?Setting goals and most importantly accomplishing them is often easier said than done. As we head into a New Year when we often think about setting goals, our Registered Psychologist (Provisional) Lana McAleer has some timely advice. Setting a Goal? Be...
by Penney Murphy | Nov 15, 2022 | Wellbeing
Comfort Food is GOOD for our Mental Health? Say what now? Our Registered Psychologist (Prov) Murray Heintz gives us the very good news in his article below. 🙂 Comfort Food And Good Mental Health Besides being fuel for the body, food has always had a close connection...
by Penney Murphy | Nov 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
Have you received a mental health diagnosis? Our Registered Psychologist (Provisional) Murray Heintz has some helpful information to keep in mind. You Are Not Your Diagnosis:Avoiding Labels Receiving a mental health diagnosis can create mixed feelings. On the one...
by Penney Murphy | Nov 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
You may have heard about the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT for dealing with many issues including stress, anxiety and depression. Our Registered Psychologist (Provisional) Lana McAleer explains what it is and how it works. What is CBT? If you...
by Penney Murphy | Nov 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
Learning Mindfulness techniques can be one of the best gifts you give yourself. Mindfulness can greatly reduces stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. And it also increases happiness. Our Registered Counsellor Nancy Kearnan shares some history and evidence about the...
by Penney Murphy | Nov 14, 2022 | Wellbeing
Learning Mindfulness techniques can be one of the best gifts you give yourself. Mindfulness can greatly reduces stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. And it also increases happiness. Our Registered Counsellor Nancy Kearnan shares an easy to learn technique for...